is bringing together the innovation of the last 15 years in a new, innovative and unique way never been seen before.  This promises to transform and revolutionise the role of the bank branch within retail banking. 

This game changing vision begins to build out the technology and creates an independent branch network, that can deal with multiple banks from any one location.  This allows for digital, and lesser-known banks to have a physical presence on UK High Streets and beyond.

The problem solves, is the current access to cash crisis, and access to banking services as a whole.  This has been created by the number of branch closures since the late 1980’s.  Reducing from 20,000, to just 5,000 today.

For banxlocal’s banking partners, this helps them to extend their reach and market share, without the liability and cost of having their own branch network.  It offers increased competition and offers an alternative to the major banks in the UK with improved access in both a human and digital experience.  A collaboration of digital and lesser-known banks to become the next collective major banking provider.

For customers, this allows them to deal with multiple banks from any one location.  Providing better access to cash and banking services, along with access to more competitive savings products which were only previously available online.  Having access to multiple banks and savings providers increases the level of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme protection by the number of banking partners on platform – saving time and money having to keep chasing the best rate from each individual provider.  All with the ability to talk with someone who acts on ‘their’ behalf, and not any one bank.

The unique three-pronged vision of MultiBank, MultiService, MultiAccess makes for a commercially viable, sustainable proposition, with the ability to scale at pace both in the UK and beyond.

The high Environmental, social, and governance credentials, promotes better financial inclusion and helps to restore the balance between the digital world and human connection within retail banking.


The CoEfficient Success Platform enables business leaders to consistently measure, analyse and report on 19 core elements of good business ranging from purpose and culture, through processes and risk to customers. The inputs for our unique algorithm are taken through a standalone front end survey, then displayed in real-time via a functional and interactive user dashboard.

Flexible and adaptable, CoEfficient is applicable to any organisation of people who work together and are looking to be better, increase productivity and enhance outcomes.

LeaseTeq AG

As an advisor to the board, through my company Alnistar Ltd, I work with the board on specific projects and operational development.

LeaseTeq is a fully digital leasing provider, based in Zurich, Switzerland. Offering a convenient and fast leasing proposition for B2B and B2C clients.

Being completely paperless, all of the necessary documents can be completed online enabling LeaseTeq to immediately enact the leasing contract whilst ensuring that ID, KYC and AML checks along with the required credit checking process can be handled with the highest discretion and security.

Having been operating in Switzerland exclusively for approaching two years, the business is set to expand into EU markets during 2023 and 2024.

Alnistar Ltd

Alnistar is a boutique consultancy firm I jointly run with my wife Alena.

We work with clients from various industry sectors across geographic locations and offer a range of services from consulting, advisory and mentoring.

Alena’s professional background in psychology and my experience in business and technology create a unique proposition for the businesses we assist.

If you are a small business seeking professional advice, or a mid-size or large business seeking to ‘go again’ our strategic approach to business development and management will provide a platform for growth.

SIKA – Invest Different

Historically, investors have been comprised of a specific demographic limited to primarily the wealthy in the developed world. With the dawn of Blockchain Technology, the restricted domain of investing is rapidly expanding to all members of the global population, regardless of income level, access, or nationality.

SIKA offers global access to individual or portfolios of securities and commodities via Sika platform tokens with low barriers to entry. Offering fractional and low ticket price investor entry points – accessible to anyone anywhere.

Factiiv – Credit Ratings on Chain

Factiiv is a whole new way to establish credit for your business. Focussing on the connections and interactions you make each day so you can run your business as usual while improving your chances of getting a loan

Until now, the Credit Bureaus have enjoyed their monopolies because they provide trustworthy information. Blockchain provides certainty, which means Trust.

Factiiv renders credit bureaus unnecessary with trustworthiness of blockchain technology.


Damex – Revolutionary Crypto Banking

Damex ( (established in 2017 as DAM – Digital Asset Management is a progressive and aspirational company based in Gibraltar.

Having successfully grown year on year with their core OTC and Asset Management Portfolio a rebrand to Damex and launch of their app, token and health = wealth gamification thrusts them into a unique position, being able to offer clients IBAN and Visa Card facilities delivered through a slick app, and allowing clients to manage their fiat and crypto side-by-side. The step counter ‘rewards’ feature, allows clients to enjoy premium services, enhanced rates and service too!

Assisting in the company growth aspirations, I’m delighted to be an advisor to the excellent management team.

IAMX – Own your Identity Own your identity. IAMX is a unique, and innovative implementation of Self Sovereign Identity (SSI)

Identity, and the protection of it, has never been more important. Taking control of your identity in a way that both safeguards and makes the verification process for online services simpler is a classic ‘win win’.

Currently, we are all expected to fill in forms online, do an Identity or KYC process over and over. This is both time consuming and cumbersome. Importantly, after completing the process you have ‘lost control’ of where your data is stored, who can access it and who is keeping it safe. Additionally. 1,4 billion people in the world are unable to prove their identity and therefore lack access to vital services including healthcare, social protection, education and finance.

IAMX delivers a real ID that you own.


MELD is an open-source, non-custodial liquidity protocol for borrowing fiat (USD and EUR) and earning yield on deposits. The MELD token can be staked and is used for voting on the governance of the protocol.

MELD offers significant capital efficiency gains in lending and borrowing compared to both centralized blockchain solutions and traditional fintech. Running on a 3rd generation blockchain, transactions are inexpensive and high speed while being secured with more than $50 billion in Cardano (ADA).

Built on top of the Cardano blockchain allows us to capitalize on transaction efficiency, which drastically reduces fees (more than 99%) compared to ETH-based solutions.

Composability or “Money Legos” is the openness of the protocol to be used with other decentralized finance (DeFi) products. This is critical for MELD in market adoption and to be a contributor to the crypto economy. We are working with several leading DeFi services to connect their functionality to MELDs.

MELD is the first decentralized protocol that brings fiat loan capabilities to crypto. Move between crypto and fiat positions with ease, take out loans and retain full control of your digital assets.

Alena Collinson – Psychologist

Alena, my wife, is a practising psychologist dealing with clients for both personal reasons (e.g. relationships, trauma, emotional issues) and business related reasons (e.g. career aspiration, business development, staff motivation etc.)

As her own business adapts, evolves and changes it was clear that a new online presence was needed to demonstrate her range of services, sell her products, book consultations etc.

Developing websites has been integral to my working life, and so I was delighted to be able to provide a full e-commerce platform to allow this need to be fulfilled.

One key complication is that Alena speaks Russian as her first language, and so do her clients, therefore any site needed to accommodate automatic language/location detection, and control over translations used (inevitably ‘automatic’ translations have poor choice of words or contain inconsistencies)

The website, and the e-commerce platform is available at

I detail this project here, not because I’m specifically seeking work to build websites, but more to demonstrate that if needed I can do so, and certainly can improve and enhance web presence for my clients – i.e. I know what I’m talking about!