We’re already two thirds of the way through May, and there is much to do before the month is out.
The usual disruption of bank holidays means that May does tend to fly past, especially in Guernsey as we have an extra bank holiday (Liberation Day) on the 9th.
The next couple of weeks though are busy, with a trip to London for banxlocal.uk to meet with some new partners and prospective investors, and lots to do with various other projects also.
I continue to receive new opportunities and am working specifically on a couple of exciting crypto projects just now. These mean that I’ll be off island quite a lot over the coming weeks.
Travelling for my work is something that I generally enjoy, but what I really need to do is get some travel plans together for a holiday, as the way this year is going the summer will be over before I know it! (I know, it’s not summer yet!)
More updates soon!