When hard work starts to pay off!

The first three months of 2022 have been hard work, long hours, difficult negotiations, lots of zoom calls, plus travelling and to some extent trying to hit moving targets! But I love it!

Having decided the course of my year when it became clear that there were many opportunities coming into view at the end of 2021, I knew that a lot of work was going to be needed early in 2022 to see some of these things across the line.

My ‘road trip’ visiting clients and partners across France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium now has yielded firm results, and I’m very pleased to have brought to a successful conclusion a Share Purchase deal between two fantastic businesses that will go on to make a real success of the relationship I was instrumental in bringing together. Navigating complications of a USA purchaser into a Swiss entity was time consuming, so it’s doubly rewarding when this comes together.

Additionally, my involvement with a South American project over the last few months lead to a successful introduction towards their initial equity raise. Again, no share purchase deals are straightforward, but my involvement has paired off two progressive and ambitious companies and I believe has set them towards success given the synergies they’ll find in working together.

I continue to spend a large proportion of my time on IAMX, visiting the founders in Dusseldorf on my travels in March, and am delighted to now be ‘off the mark’ with their project. SSI is going to be such an important factor in the adoption of Web3 and it’s great to be part of the team at IAMX.

My work on the first phase with Damex is drawing to a successful conclusion, having been instrumental in preparing for their token and app launch. The project is developing at a really fast pace, and my focus here will shift towards future strategic planning over the coming months.

Much of my time in the foreseeable weeks will be spent on two new projects I have been delighted to have been offered the opportunity to bring my skill set to. Both are innovative platforms for the finance sector and I’ll add more details about each as soon as I’m able. I can say though that I feel sure that with the strength and depth of the teams assembled in each, each will be making headline news soon! Working with a major bank on one of the projects brings a new dimension to my work, which I look forward to enormously.

April then has been a month of concluding transactions, and getting things across the line, and excitement! Specific work targets are in focus and my spring and early summer schedule looks set!