2020 as a whole has been a transformational year on many levels. Seeing borders closed, lockdowns in almost every country, it’s been something like living in a film screenplay in many ways, to be honest, with everyone waiting for the ‘hero’ to emerge and bring normality back.
Sadly, there seems to be no one hero, its up to all of us to get used to the new world and make the most of what we have.
My heart goes out to the people who have had, or been affected by, this terrible virus, and I can only try to imagine the fear, hurt and disruption this causes to their lives. I wish everybody well for 2021.
For me, on this island in the Mediterranean, the world seems more normal than in many places, and so I have used the year to reposition myself into a new business world. The incorporations of the companies Cloud RPO (Malta) Ltd, Novem Ltd, Alnistar Ltd and Okto Group have been time-consuming to say the least. The red tape of company incorporations and bank account openings has been a major part of the years activities for me. Along with building the strategies for these businesses of course!
On that point I am grateful to 2020 to affording me the time to do this groundwork, and I can comfortably summarise my 2020 by saying it was a year of building foundations for my future – I know this is strange, when a lot of the world as we know it has crumbled away or been put under pressure. But 2020 was really a year of building and planning for me. I’m pleased to say though, that all the work from January 2021 onwards will be ‘above ground’ and I expect to see results from every action from herein.
So, I spend the last few days of 2020 preparing for what will be an important first quarter, with significant meetings scheduled for Okto Group, an intake of staff and opening of offices for Cloud RPO and the positioning of both Novem and Alnistar to provide their respective services.
I wish you well, and hope for a prosperous 2021!