The end of 2022 was very busy and time available in my schedule prevented me from writing an update as I might usually do at year end. That said, given the state of the financial markets at that time, I was not enthused to write too much! The FTX scandal has had far more impact on my activities than I first suspected, with many clients, investors and colleagues taking a much more cautious approach even if not directly affected themselves. The recent delisting of USDT on the Canadian exchanges has also caused more concern generally – so frankly speaking, I haven’t been too inclined to write too much here as I don’t like to spead any doom and gloom. The media can do that perfectly well!
That said, I’ve met the first weeks of 2023 with a renewed optimism. I sometimes surprise myself with my ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ attitude.
I’ve not any specific update aside from the fact that the festive period and the social scene that goes with it brought me to meet lots of new people, which is one of my favourite things. I’m always inspired hearing the diversity of peoples’ personal and business lives.
This month is largely a month of catching up on a range of outstanding matters, clearing out the hangovers of 2022, and whilst I won’t write specific details on this page just yet, all my January efforts will be important in shaping the new year ahead.
People my age have been through this cycle before, with volatile and uncertain markets. The one thing that age is good for is that it provides the experience to know that there will be better times ahead, no matter how the situation looks now.
Happy new year and I wish you a positive and successful 2023!