The summer months have been a period of consolidation this year, often summer is a frustrating time when people are away and business stalls, but this year I have been in a position to close some ongoing projects, take stock of my position and come out of the other side with a much clearer vision for the future.
This future starts now, in the same way that September sees the school academic year start, and I too have the feeling of a ‘new year’ in my work.
Notably my work has now some very distinct threads, and I have committed much of my time to one project in particular. Currently listed as ‘Stealth Mode’ on my Linked In profile, I anticipate being able to open up on this exciting project in the coming weeks, and certainly by the time we get into October and my next update.
Taking time off in August is not something I have tended to do historically, but given the patchy weather it was good to kick back and head off to the sunshine for some days, and certainly now, with the clarity this break provided, I can see clearly what the steps to success look like as we head towards year end!