I hear from my friends, acquaintances and colleagues in the UK that autumn has definitely arrived now, and the evenings draw in and the temperature drops. Here in Malta its not quite the same, however, after a few thunderstorms and an earthquake in the last few weeks, and the fact that tourist numbers have definitely declined, it does seem as though summer is over, despite the fact that the average daily temperature is still between 27 and 30 degrees, and even overnight it doesn’t drop below 22 degrees.
From a business perspective, the summer ‘vacation’ mode has definitely left though, it has been a very busy time on many fronts.
Cloud RPO has launched, and the general feedback from prospective clients is very positive. The project continues to excite me and developments around new territories over the last couple of weeks add to my enthusiasm. Next week I have several important online meetings for this project and I hope to start seeing the fruits of my labour in due course.
Another project I’m working hard on took a major step in the last few days, with the angel investment round being closed successfully we can now embark on the exciting stage of building the business model and the ongoing business development plan. Working in conjunction with KPMG on this is something that I’m looking forward to enormously. I’ll be writing more about this project, which is called Okto, in the coming days, and there will be more details about it on my ‘Current Projects‘ page.
The next few days is also an exciting time for my wife’s business, alenacollinson.com which embarks on some rebranding tweaks, new focus on the website and some entirely new content being formulated.
Finally, for this update, as if the above were not enough, I spent 10 days in the company of my good friend and UK artist Graeme Evelyn. Another yet to be announced venture is in the final planning stages, and Graeme was instrumental in shaping some ideas and gathering an action plan. This business, named ‘Alnistar’ will also appear on the ‘Current Projects‘ page in due course, but brings a new take on art for the commercial world.
October is a month set to be busy, and I’m sure that it will pass all too quickly and be a very positive month!