Quarter four looms, time for action!

It’s interesting how every year we start out the new year with hopes and aspirations, targets and goals, and then all of a sudden, we get to autumn, and we start looking at the accomplishments for the year and for many a sense of panic develops that so many things we started out to do haven’t been achieved.

We all manage our diaries as well as we’re able, but the world we live in always has a tendency to try to pull us off course.

Whether it’s getting embroiled in ‘blind alley’ opportunities, spending far too much time on the problem clients and not enough on the ones we really should or want to work with, or simply scrolling our lives away on social media, allocating time to the real productive stuff and spending quality time at this, is increasingly difficult.

I block out huge chunks of my diary on a weekly basis to try to avoid distraction, but this year, working from an office again, as opposed to home, has been a difficult thing to manage.

in 2023, the distractions were home related, this year the distractions are office related. I guess the point is that there are always distractions, and it’s discipline and focus that are needed.

One thing that has been at the top of my list this year has been the work on banxlocal.uk. The project is now ‘ready’ and we go into Q4 full of anticipation of announcing the first branch openings.

My major distraction from productive business in 2024 has been dealing with two problem clients, both situations have caused a great deal of stress and ended up costing a small fortune in legal proceedings.

My main goal for Q4 2024 therefore is to close the book on these situations and head into 2025 with a clear head.

The autumn equinox this coming weekend marks the start of my focus being on bringing a difficult 2024 to a close. 2025 seems to have the hallmarks of being a great year, but for my sake I must enter the year with a clear head and a renewed ability to focus on what matters.

If you find yourself in a similar position to me, then I wish you luck too!