Since arriving back in Malta in late February from the UK, I had to enter a two week isolation period, which gave me time to focus on a particular project that came across my desk. This is somewhat different to the large scale negotiations and innovative ventures that I’ve been involved in of late, in the sense it is a more traditional buying and selling of a specific product range. My hope is to bring this to market during Spring 2021 through my Alnistar Limited company.
Ironically, the very day I was free of my isolation period, Malta announced a month of lockdown, with all bars and restaurants closed, non essential shops closed, and frustratingly the trip to the spa that I’d been looking forward to and the visit to the barber to get my much needed haircut were also both cancelled due to the new lockdown rules.
My annoyance on this though is simply handled by refocussing on day to day work, starting by making some changes to the Cloud RPO sales process, we are now a team of 5 people and our application for expansion grant funding is registered with Malta Enterprise and we eagerly await a decision from them, likely to be during May.
Novem Ltd is, as I alluded to in last months update, working on some very interesting projects, and we have moved one forward with some significance.
At Okto Digital we were pleased to hear the news that Malta Enterprise had made a positive decision on the grant funding bid, and while, at the time of writing, we don’t have the full picture, as there are some conditions applied, we are very positive on finally starting development now.
We all now eagerly look forward to a swift lifting of restrictions here in Malta, scheduled for April 11th, and then the start of summer swiftly following. Being in Malta has many advantages despite the lockdown, and with spring finally in the air, the promise of a busy, warm summer is just around the corner.
Despite all of the activities I have ongoing, I am still available for consultations and other business advice work, I’m running at approximately 80% capacity right now, so if you have a project, or a business matter that I can assist with please do get in touch.
You can book time through this website, or simply call or email of course!