As I mentioned in my last post, I am travelling in Europe most of this month, and on my travels I took the opportunity to drop in at Damex.
The company is based in Gibraltar, and the timing of the visit was such that I could meet with the newly appointed CIO (Chief Innovation Officer) Samuel Rondot, who I first met whilst he was head of OTC at, and by good fortune Sam Buxton (CEO), Phillip Vasquez (CLO) where available also, along with other members of the team.
The days of Covid have meant we’ve all gotten used to endless quantities of zoom, facetime and teams meetings, but to have the chance to meet everyone in real life is irreplaceable and entirely valuable.
The highlight of my visit was the opportunity to have a live demo of the forthcoming app, actually working and in action. The slick and stylish interface is backed up with speed and clarity. In a nutshell it works as well as it looks good!

Sam demonstrated depositing some fiat currency (GBP) from his Revolut account, it arriving instantly in the Damex app and then just as quickly converting it into USDT. Options then are to stake, or convert into other currencies, or send to external wallets either as payment or cold storage etc.
The app works seamlessly, and proves that the meticulous time spent developing it over the last 12 months has been well worthwhile. Now with over 100,000 clients on the waiting list for the app, its launch, along with the DAMX token is eagerly awaited.

Damex really is a glowing example of a company accelerating through the gears (and not being held back) and I’m super happy to be connected as an advisor to this remarkable company!