I’m no maths genius, nor am I massively into numerology, however some dates seem to have a resonance and become noticeable to me.
Today, is 12/12/24 and this just seems to have struck enough of a chord with me to take 5 minutes out of what has been an extremely busy week so far to mark the day. I had several messages congratulating me on 6/12/24 (which again is a noticeable date), because it is my ‘Name Day‘ – so perhaps something in these numbers really does mean something.
Anyhow, following a busy week in Wales and England last week attending the Fintech Wales Investor Event and then a couple of interesting meetings with potential partners for banxlocal.uk, I sat at my desk on Monday catching up on a backlog of emails and messages. Suddenly the phone just started to ring, and WhatsApp started blowing up and before I knew it my day (in fact my week) was full!
Usually by this time in December I’m simply looking forward to a few days off across Christmas and New Year, this year I’m juggling things to see how best I can fit everything in! It’s looking like I’ll need to travel to Dubai ahead of Christmas, which is super exciting. The project this trip is for isn’t yet in the public domain, but I can say it fits my specific skill set and interest range combining technology, finance with real life. Once some meetings and handshakes are done, I’ll be updating more on this.
What has occurred to me and my parting thought for this post, is that again I realise I must focus on what I want to do, and how important it is for me to feel fulfilled in my work. I’m blessed to be connected to so many inspiring people in the various businesses I’m involved in, so as we head towards 2025 I will spend some time saying thank you to all those people. (They know who they are!)