2024 in review…

2024 has been a challenging year on so many levels, yet these challenges have largely been instrumental in laying the foundations for 2025 and what promises to be a fun filled, productive and busy year ahead.

The challenges in the crypto markets that have caused significant issues with delayed project launches, the continued problematic financial landscape (fuelled by fears around elections in the UK, USA and further political unrest elsewhere), and the seemingly increasing occurrences of scams, fraudulent and deceitful behaviour across the industry sectors I’m involved in all conspire to slow down, if not stop, real progress.

This said, there were some real steps forward and it’s important to remember the ‘wins’!

Often a barometer of success is how much travel I have done, as for me to need to get on a plane to meet in person usually means a firm opportunity to do business. My overseas destinations this year have included Singapore, Portugal and Italy.

The highlight destination this year being Lisbon, Portugal where I proudly represented banxlocal.uk at the European Banking Association ‘EBADay’ Awards in the Fintech Zone where the company was shortlisted in the last 16 to present at the prestigious annual event. As a disruptive business model, having the opportunity to explain our mission has led to many new connections and partnerships being formed.

I’ve mentioned before that a couple of long running legal disputes have taken a huge amount of my energy and effort trying to find justice. Sadly, there has not been the full closure of these I had hoped for (despite promises being made!) Therefore unfortunately, I am still carrying some baggage into 2025 on these fronts. I will continue to ensure that these weights I’m carrying don’t interfere with my work.

Many new opportunities continue to cross my desk, and as ever I have to be selective about the ones that either interest me most, or I will be most effective in.

Looking forward to 2025 I already have several engagements in my diary, including trips to Dubai and Spain in January, and then in February I’ll be on mainland UK and potentially India also. This is a really encouraging ‘fast start’ to 2025.

I’ll be announcing more of my work detail in the coming months, as things unfold, especially with the anticipated confirmations of the banxlocal branches opening, several crypto/blockchain projects going fully ahead once funding is achieved.

So, on this last day of 2024, I wish anyone reading this all the best for 2025, the fulfilment of their ambitions, hopes and desires.