Welcome to 2022, a year which promises some return to normal life in terms of travel, work and pleasure, although I think 2021 was supposed to offer this also, but that didn’t quite work out as planned!
For me 2021 was a hectic year, MELD took over my life completely, the speed and scale of the company development was breathtaking, raising $35m in the private and equity sales and supporting the ISPO process meant that aside from the travelling and meeting people I was on endless zoom meetings!
Since the last update I visited France, Italy (three times), Switzerland (twice) Czech Republic, Gibraltar and of course the UK. Additionally, for personal reasons I also visited Guernsey 3 times, which is where I have now relocated to permanently.
Malta presented a new way of life for me, and will always have a special place in my heart, but the financial landscape, political complications and way of doing business are all not to my liking now, and coupled with the excessive heat which really doesn’t help productivity the decision was made to move.
Guernsey so far has been very welcoming and brings a normality (to me) with it. Very British, but with a sense of ‘exotic’ – rather like myself.
So what does 2022 hold in store? More MELD of course. Whilst the bulk of my initial role in bringing the financial security to the organisation is done, there are some key partnerships still to announce this year.
I’m looking forward to more travel this year, despite the complications of forms and regulations changing every five minutes, and already planned are trips to Tuscany, America, Gibraltar, Spain and Portugal.
I arrived into 2022 in high spirits, filled with optimism and the year already has proved to be an eventful one!
Happy New Year!