Well, some weeks have past since my last update, apologies for that, however now that I’m vaccinated and there is general availability of flights I have taken the opportunity to travel and actually start meeting people again.
Having visited Turkey, Georgia, Italy (twice) Switzerland and France over the last 6 or 7 weeks I’m feeling a lot more like life will return to some normality again.
Most of the meetings I’ve had, are MELD related. The launch of the ISPO on July 1st and the opening of the private sale on the same date, both took a lot of preparation and then once launched took a lot of managing.
My focus right now is very firmly on MELD, as we head towards closing the $30M private sale, however various other aspects of business continue to take some of my time.
SafeAirZones.EU is running well now, with clients onboarded across Malta and in the other territories we serve. The feedback on the product is great, and we are starting to gather traction now.
Cloud RPO has started to move forward, and some changes here in the coming weeks will be announced soon.
Okto has been slightly put on the backburner whilst we develop MELD, however, now the decision to move the trading of the business to Gibraltar instead of Malta, due to it’s grey-listing, I will be turning my attention towards this more as we head into autumn.
The summer months always fly past, even here in Malta where we have more summer than most. The heat this year has been a real factor, with AC running 24/7!
Enjoy the rest of your summer, wherever you are, and I’ll update again on developments soon!