May slipped past without me writing an update, mainly due to personal reasons.
My work however continued apace throughout the month and so here’s a brief round up of the key points.
Okto had gathered momentum and added to the project a new dimension in the form of a payment transfer operation being incorporated in Gibraltar. This jurisdiction offers many advantages and is now also being seriously considered fir the jurisdiction for the bank, ahead for Malta. Okto Digital will continue in Malta having secured its funding from Malta Enterprise and will start its R&D phase as soon as seed is closed.
MELD has been the focus of most attention since I last wrote, as we close in on the launch of the ISPO and official public launch, having secured investment from Silicon Valley Blockchain Society and now being at advanced negotiation stage with several interested parties for the token presale
Alnistar officially opened its Safe Air Zones EU shop this month, with the full range of NCCO units on display. Trials of the product are with several clients now and we have a forthcoming visit from the MD of RHT Europe at the end of June.
Alnistar also is bidding for some exciting projects through its Alnistar Digital brand, and there have been some interesting negotiations regarding the Alnistar Recruitment brand linking with partners in various EU countries.
Novem has been mandated to assist with the sale of several high value works of art and jewellery this month and we are working on placing these with clients.
Cloud RPO has had a team reshuffle, and we now have all the staff required as we push forward with our client onboarding.
Looking ahead, the confirmation of my appointment as CPO at MELD means much of my attention will be focused here for the foreseeable future as we bring the Okto group into sync with it, however, the staff now in place in the other businesses mean I can be confident that clients are well looked after through all channels whilst I focus on MELD and Okto.
Enjoy the summer!