At the end of another month, I reflect on my achievements and think, wow! How did I find time to do all of that?
For Cloud RPO we have hit a record number of new employer sign ups, which bodes well for future business, we have employers from a wide range of sectors now committing to loading their vacancies and employment opportunities into the system. We initially focussed on professional services for our onboarding programme, but have had strong responses in industrial, shipping, manufacturing and food sectors which has been encouraging to say the least! Cloud RPO relocates to it’s new offices on 3rd May also, and with more space, we can continue our expansion plans.
Okto Capital investment meetings continued apace this month, with some significant progress from several interested parties. A change of direction lead by the interest is on the cards, mainly in terms of the jurisdiction the bank will ultimately be set up in. Okto Digital had a great April, winning a funding bid from Malta Enterprise to contribute towards salaries, it now will start operations from it’s new Sliema offices.
Alnistar Ltd has added to its business development and services portfolio by becoming a landlord! With new offices on The Strand, Sliema it will now develop the motor vehicle side of its business plans, alongside an exciting domestic and commercial product showroom.
Novem Ltd has been directly involved in a variety of service and consulting roles, there are two very strong ‘deals’ now on the final stages of being signed, so a pleasing month all round.
Business continues, and I’m pleased to have such a great team around me in all aspects of my working life. On a personal note though, the month took a big turn for the worse, with the passing of my mother. Having lost my father some years ago, to now be without a parental figure takes some coming to terms with. Rest in Peace Mum x