Yes, the temperatures are soaring, I write this on the morning after what was arguably the hottest day of the year (so far) but my title really alludes to the volume of work and the huge opportunities the current ‘crypto winter’ is delivering.
Specifically at IAMX the pace is really gathering, with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ratification a real life use case delivered, adoption into the Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIP) program and membership of the Cardano DeFi and SSI Alliances, we are really seeing the topic of Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) being discussed widely.
My activities are, as usual, connecting, discussing, introducing the project to a wide range of interested parties – from future partners, service providers, institutions and the like. I’m always happy to speak on this topic though as it’s honestly one of the key enablers to a safer, more secure internet, metaverse and digital life.
SIKA is also moving ahead fast, with three separate patents for the IP now logged at the US patent office, the development progressing smoothly and the outreach for partners well underway there will be a heavy workload in the coming months delivering this innovative and exciting platform.
Factiiv is nearing MVP which means the pressure to tie up some of the administrative and organisational sides has increased. I’m now involved with selection of the blockchain, jurisdiction choices and of course strategic partnerships!
Following some travel in Europe in May and June, spending July in Guernsey is delightful. The weather, beaches, evening walks and the general pace of life, away from my desk, is ideal!