2022 is literally flying by! The longest day of the year has passed, and we draw towards the end of June, I’m just taking a minute to reflect on how the year has been so far, and, importantly, what’s in store for the next half.
Having decided to unshackle myself from a full time post and take on a variety of projects this year I have been amazed by the diversity of project styles and approaches to market. Spending time abroad visiting, meeting and interacting has been a big part of the first half of 2022, and this schedule is likely to continue.
One project that I went to meet with the founder of, and that I’m particularly pleased to be able to talk about finally is SIKA – this has been a work in progress for some time, I first mentioned the project in my post in early May and I’m pleased, now that the patents are filed, we can start to talk about it and begin this journey.
SIKA (https://sika.fund) brings a new way to invest in stocks, shares, commodities, bonds – in fact pretty much anything. Using some very clever IP protected technology it serves new markets, provides new combinations and new possibilities! I’ll write more on this over the coming months! I’ve now added the project to my LinkedIn profile of current appointments which I’m pleased to have finally done.
Looking ahead, the second half of the year looks to continue to be busy as I say. I’m being introduced to people all the time, founders, investors, tech people etc. Building my network and developing my professional relationships continually.
Whilst the crypto markets are depressed, and there is a lot of pain being felt right now, the opportunity for investment into start-ups has never been better, and I’m seeing a lot of renewed interest in the projects that have taken a pragmatic approach to their valuation given the ‘correction’ in the market.
I suspect the coming summer months specifically will be spent in delivering on this platform and as things begin to turn around I expect a strong finish to 2022, so no time to waste!